Sunday, 27 October 2013

The End of the Stream

The End of the Stream

Another photo taken from the stream that flows as a waterfall into the sea at Tintagel Castle on 14th October 2013, it was a bright sunny day giving good light for the four images taken and layered to help give good depth.

Taken on my Nikon D3100 with an exposure of ISO-360 and an f-Stop of f/14.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The Door

The Door

Simple shot of a small door at Lanhydrock shot originally in color but processed in Photomatix to create a deep Black & White image.

Taken on 18th October 2013 during a bleak wet afternoon which gave the perfect condition for a good black & white.

Using my trusty Sony DSC-HX20V set at an exposure of 1/250 and an ISO-800 three images were taken to allow the Hyper Dynamic Range image.

Hidden Secrets

Hidden Secrets

A simple composition that would have been too easy to take full on (which I did originally) but was advised by my wife the side angle through the greenery was much more softer and visually pleasing. Taken at Lanhydrock where gates and fascinating doors are in an abundance on the 18th October 2013.

Taken on my fantastic Sony DSC-HX20V at a standard exposure time of 1/100 and a high ISO-800 due to this being hand held, the photo was taken at F-stop 3.2 with a stop either side to allow me to create this High Dynamic Range image.

Hidden Faces

Hidden Faces

In the Tintagel Parish Church cemetery close to the National Trust South West Coastal Path I found plenty of crosses and Celtic Knots to photograph but this particular one had a great cloud formation behind it which stood out from the rest.

The images were captured on 14th October 2013 using my NIKON D3100 with an exposure time of 1/31 and ISO-220 the standard F-stop was f/18 which I bracketed to allow me to use Photomatix to create this HDR image. This was then imported into Photoshop which is where I split the image vertically to copy it and then paste this to make a flip image.

This technique has created hidden faces within the image.

Mystic Fungi

Mystic Fungi

Walking past a huge Oak tree on the 18th October 2013 whilst visiting Lanhydrock on the way to the house I found a cluster of fungi erupting through the bark of the tree, it was a very overcast, grey day with not a lot of natural sunlight other than when the cloud split allowing the odd beam to shine through.

I took the opportunity to take a bracketed image of the fungi (-3 & +3) so I could merge and create the High Dynamic Range image. The shots were taken on my Sony DSC-HX20V at an exposure time of 1/15 and an ISO-800 as this was a hand held shot so a faster speed was required to prevent camera shake.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Trebarwith Strand

Trebarwith Waves

Trebarwith Strand, is a coastal settlement and section of coastline located on the north coast of Cornwall, United Kingdom, 2 1⁄2 miles south of Tintagel. It has 800m of sandy beach, contained by cliffs, in which natural caves are found.

This image was taken at 17:00 on the 16th October 2013 at Trebarwith Strand on my Copact Sony DSC-HX20V, this was a single image with an F-Stop of f/3.2 and an exposure time of 1/1250 ISO-100.
Edited in both Lightroom and Photoshop to deepen the color of the sky and bring out the lines to define edges by creating a High Pass and choosing to overlay it on the image.

Lanhydrock Gatehouse

Lanhydrock Gate House

Magnificent late Victorian country house with gardens and wooded estate Lanhydrock is the perfect country house and estate, with the feel of a wealthy but unpretentious family home.

After a devastating fire in 1881 the Jacobean house was refurbished in high-Victorian style, with the best in country house design and planning and the latest mod cons.

This was shot on 18th October 2013 with my Sony DSC-HX20V set to manual with an exposure time of 1/320 and ISO-800, three exposures were taken and merged with Photomatix for a deep HDR look then imported into Photoshop for some further detailing to create a mystical look.

Tintagel Stream

Tintagel Stream

Taken on 15th October 2013 on the stream from Tintagel that flows through the valley and over the cliff edge into the Celtic Sea around Merlin's Cave. Whilst everyone else was shooting the normal sea views I noticed the beautiful stream that was being overlooked which needed some attention.

I took out my trusty NIKON D3100 and set it up with an F-Stop of f/6.3 Exposure Time of 1 Second and ISO-100 The image was edited in Adobe Lightroom to create a HDR look defining the lines.